For your older clients, balance training can literally be life-saving. 1 in 4 falls down every year, and many don’t realize they have a problem.
3 steps to protect your older clients and grow your business
1 - Take our online balance training course: become a Balance Specialist
Learn the science behind balance and fall prevention
Get the simple formula to create personalized training programs
Earn CEUs from ACE, NASM, FAI, or AFAA
2 - Rent a ZIBRIO Stability scale
Assess clients’ balance in 60 seconds
Includes additional training for your staff
Easily track progress and boost motivation
3 - Get referrals
Get referrals - from happy clients and from ZIBRIO®’s database of balance specialists
More about the Balance Training Course
“This was an excellent course and I am recommending it to all of the fitness professionals and personal trainers I work with.”
Study at your own pace online (total time: 3 hours)
Learn the science of balance
Get the fall-risk equation
5 step formula to create balance training program
More about the Scale
“The scale helps [our residents] to work harder and stay focused on what they need to do to get their balance back.”
Valid and Reliable
Backed by over 15 years of research with older adults and astronauts
60 second balance test
Artificial intelligence identifies patterns of postural stability and instability
Final balance score (1-10) indicates fall risk
What is the secret sauce to help older clients be their best?
We asked a panel of experts at the 2020 Better Balance and Fall Prevention Virtual Summit