Every day, more is learned about active aging and longevity. Who better to learn the secrets from than a former NFL player, a highly decorated senior athlete who transformed herself in her 60s, a revolutionary trainer of professional athletes and older adults, and the president of the Functional Aging Institute?

This event was put on as part of the Better Balance & Fall Prevention Virtual Summit.


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Dan Richie, PhD

President, Functional Aging Institute

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DeEtte Sauer

Senior Athlete, 66 National Medals, 4 International Medals

Photo: courtesy of Humana/Ted Tadder

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Kailee Wong

Former NFL Player, Founder, The Athletic Room

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Roman Footnick, DOM

Performance, Biomechanics Coach



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Katharine Forth, PhD

Balance Expert, CEO, ZIBRIO


For questions about the panel or virtual summit, contact info@zibrio.com.