Most people don’t realize that balance can change every day. The BalanceCoach® App offers you lifestyle factor insights, measurement based coaching, fall risk identification, and personalized balance training. With the BalanceCoach® App, you can stand up for yourself by understanding your balance health and learning what you can do to protect or help your overall balance.
Download it for free for Android and Apple devices.
Better Balance® Training Feature*
Spend 5 to 10 minutes a day with Better Balance® Training to boost your sensory-motor system!
You can think of your balance as an orchestra. All parts must be in good condition and then regularly practice together to work successfully. If one aspect is weak, that will impact your overall stability. Better Balance® Training focuses on all the parts of your balance orchestra. The program is built on scientifically-proven methods and uses the 3-2-1 balance training method to train:
• 3 key body areas for balance: feet, center, and head
•. 2 body areas paired together in movements
• 1 smooth, confident, balanced body
Better Balance® Training teaches techniques that you can easily weave into your daily activities. The training includes movement variety, progress tracking, and is suitable for a wide range of physical capabilities.
Below is a short clip of a balance technique in the Balance Basics program. You will see how the entire body works together to execute the movement, but stays completely balanced at the same time.
*full program access requires subscription
Better Balance® Training Reviews
“This is a BIG change from the standard physical therapy approach. Important pathways for good neural response get attention right at the beginning of the training, bravo!”
“I improved my balance more in a month with Better Balance than a whole year of pilates!”
“I have more confidence in my balance thanks to the Better Balance training”
Reach your goals with BalanceCoach®
Looking to improve your flexibility?
Want to play pickleball for an even longer period of time?
Want to be more confident in your balance?
Balance is crucial to your health and activities.Your balance is a communication system with the goal of getting the best functioning balance for your as an individual. The BalanceCoach® App is rooted in this very principle and can help you achieve your balance goals. Download the app for free now.
Compatible with Apple devices running iOS 11 and above, including iPhone 5S and later.
Compatible with all iPad Air and iPad Pro models, iPad 5th generation, iPad 6th generation, iPad mini 2 and later.
Compatible with iPod touch 6th generation models.
Compatible with Android mobile phones running OS 5.0 and newer.
Compatible with Android tablets running OS 5.0 and newer.
(Some Android phones with very small screens may experience display issues.)