First thing in the Morning Challenge
If you score lower first thing in the morning, perhaps you are still feeling groggy. Feeling groggy means your nervous system might not be as sharp as it will be later in the day. Groggy neurons are slower and that means groggy balance. How long does it take you to shake off the groggy balance? 2 minutes? 5 minutes? 10+ minutes?
If your score was best in the morning and then went down during the day, perhaps fatigue, stress or poor hydration is affecting your balance.
Congratulations! You completed all 5 days of the Balance Awareness Challenge! As you have now experienced, your balance changes depending on your lifestyle or scenario. To explore more about what affects your balance, download the BalanceCoach app to take a look at the 6 Pillars of Balance. By just answering a few questions within the app, you can learn even more about yourself and see what may be helping, hindering, or hurting your balance today.
Please take 3 minutes to share your feeback about the challenge.