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How Much Water Should You Drink in a Pandemic?

Summer is upon us, and we’re still worried about exercising inside because, well, COVID-19 is still very much with us. So outside spaces are very appealing. Some gyms are using parking lots. Personal trainers are taking over shady corners in parks all over the country. I even saw a boot camp on a beach!

We all know that we need to drink water when we exercise or when we go outside. But did you know all the parts of your body that are affected if you do get dehydrated?

And do you know that dehydration affects your balance, your coordination, and your risk for falling - no matter what your age?

Use this handy infographic to learn all about it (click image to download).

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Want to be smart about the effects of dehydration on your performance or your balance? Get yourself a ZIBRIO Stability Scale and check your balance whenever it suits you.